
About Eldertainment QLD

Meet Jacqui

Hi, I’m Jacqui Potts, founder of Eldertainment Queensland.

I’ve lived on the Gold Coast for over 40 years and I love seeing people smile.

I am a Qualified Lifestyle and Activities Co-Ordinator with an extensive background in Gold Coast Tourism.

I have managed several Small Businesses and hold certifications in Small Business Management and Marketing.

I’m a member of the Gold Coast Seniors Round Table and volunteer with Blind and Vision Impaired, and Community groups.

I’ve built a valued and trusted network in both the Aged Care and Tourism Industries over the years,

And I enjoy sharing helpful cost-saving ideas and info.

Jacqui Potts

My passion and mission is to

ENJOY the smiles on the faces of our Elder-Venturers

CREATE a social space where people with common interests can join together

ENCOURAGE Social interaction

EMPOWER through knowledge

A challenge during these uncertain times of lockdowns and restrictions but, ‘These too shall pass’ and it is important to maintain and promote a positive attitude and lifestyle.

How Eldertainment QLD was born

When my Mum’s daily living skills began to deteriorate a couple of years ago, she decided it was time to move into a Residential Aged Care Facility.

I didn’t realise, she was just concerned about becoming a burden to me.

I had absolutely no idea about the journey on which I was about to embark. I did (or thought I did) all the research about different Care Facilities, Support Agencies both private and government, Centrelink/Financial obligations, Entitlements, Charter of Rights, not to mention all the acronym authorities and associations, and on and on it goes.

We checked out all our options and,  allowing Mum the dignity to make her own decisions, she decided on a ‘Cottage Style’ Facility. She enjoyed the companionship and activities and developed close relationships with some of the staff, but she was losing her ‘spark’, her ‘zest for life’, her ‘joie de vivre’ – Mum, like many people from her era (Mum was born in 1928), ‘soldiered on’, making the ‘best of the situation’ with not too many ‘expectations’.

Four years on, I know a lot more now.

I broke my Mum out of the Residential Aged Care Facility recently. I’m now living the dream (and the nightmare).

No-one loves or cares for your loved ones, more than you do!
(although, at times, that can be very challenging!)

Through this website, I hope to share some of the experiences I have encountered, some of the challenges I have overcome and support & encourage those of you who have chosen to travel this pathway by sharing what I have learned, information I have researched, hints, tips and ideas to help you on your way!

Mum and Me
Mum and Me